Food on our plate

This blog is a home makers journal and everything revolving around an ordinary home in the making. There is really nothing new I can tell that you already dont know, but its the ordinary which is most beautiful and is what i wish to treasure & share with all. If you wish, do walk with me on this lane…..

Here in India, kitchen is still considered the most important place in a home. And many women take pride in their role as a home maker. But its not all that easy! For long our parents especially mothers, have made this balance between providing good-healthy food and managing all in a tight budgeting look so simple that we rarely put any thought into it.

Home making  requires a lot of  dedication and conscious effort. The above pic is an average day meal in an Odia household. Rice, dal(lentils) & sabji (anything extra are good!) Not usually kerela with mango, but I had to finish the mangos…. Odisha is an eastern coastal state in India, it is also one of the largest rice producing state and the varieties of vegetables used per day in an Odia family is something I’m yet to experience anywhere else in India. And now, the most important thing- I love rice! 😀 All my non-odia friends lovingly tease me about it!

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I started cooking quite early, so, developed a taste for my own food and no amount of fancy food matches it.  Now DH’s company has provided us with a luxury food card and we are falling prey to its trap. As a home maker, we want every things to be perfect and to our standard &  those times such habits becomes a challenge. The other such challenge is, when I’ve to push myself to go for veggi shopping after office every monday! Which is today…

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On mondays a small vegetable market is set up at a distance of few steps from where I live. Family and friends  love it when they visit us. Its a common practice in India, you will always find a local market near by selling fresh vegetables. At times its directly from farmers as well, organic!

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I try to shop for a week only so that, next week i can get fresh veggies!

Despite all, I love shopping from local stores. Though many times I’ve been suggested to order or buy from commercial stores or malls, I choose not to. Reasons are simple, we get fresh fruits & vegetables here, better price and support our local farmers & businessmen.