Wondering birds

This weekend was both hectic and fulfilling!

We went to Charminar on saturday and today, we visited Hussain sagar. Roaming around Hyderabad on a bike is like a challenge,trust me. DSC02768 copyCharminar is an amazing place. No matter which time of the year it is, Charminar is madly crowded. Do people really shop that much? Like everyday…every minute?Where do these people come from? These were the thoughts doing rounds in my head.


At Charminar there’s so many different things happening at one time, its like a tiny little world of its own. Vendors selling, shoppers bargaining,  pics clicking, bikes honking, love birds giggling, people lazying….. so many happy faces & some lost ones too and you are a part of it all, yet you are not. I can sit there for hours watching all this and not get bored. The other such place I can think of is railway stations.

DSC02769 copyWhen hubby is busy clicking, I am busy observing (my favourite thing) as I followed him everywhere. These are the moments when I wish, I too were a photographer……nah! I can’t, I’m not so patient.

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Sunday we went to Hussain sagar, the weather was sunny and hot but as  we neared the location it was all windy and pleasant. At some places,it rained too! Initially I was a little hesitant to go there as yesterday’s drive to Charminar had left us pretty tired, but the visit was all worth it. The sun set was beautiful.

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Ever wondered why watching the sun set never gets boring?

Sitting on the footpath, sipping tea, munching on jhal muri, we bade adieu to the setting sun. Back home as I’m writing this, hubby is busy segregating today’s pics. He doesn’t seem very happy 😦

It means, next weekend another …… 😉

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